Why? Very simply because you, the customer, will expect to buy the same hamburger, sandwich, pizza every where they go in the world; you would expect to receive the same level of quality service from your rental car agency or your hotel also anywhere. And franchising developed a system in which you can be certain of getting those every time you go and visit one of these stores. This is why it is a system, a process, that when done well, it will allow you to grow and constantly improve your business.
And then you can start doing your own research. Which places do I go frequently to shop, dine, or use during my travels? It is actually amazing to realize that some of the largest service companies in the world operate through franchising. Hotels, car rentals, full service or fast food restaurants; you name it. They are mostly franchising units that are required to operate under a series of standards and quality measures so that you, the customer will (almost) always receive the same (or similar) product, with the same quality and with the same level of service.
Understand that it s all a system and processes, and when followed, they will produce the best results.
Please visit www.luisvicentegarcia.com in case you are interested in books and programs that would improve your results and performance, and if you wish to develop your skills in different managerial areas.