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Showing posts from July, 2015

How to Boost Your Career and Build Your Business through Public Speaking

After many years of study on different fields I see myself as having two possibilities :  either learning something new or teaching something to others every single day. The best scenario? When you can do both at the same time! How do you see yourself? Having my very own show at VoiceAmerica Business Channel (@voiceAmBusiness)  has allowed me to do that, teach and learn and then learn and teach some more. Through my radio shows I have spoken about entrepreneurs and leaders, vision and goals. I have interviewed people on franchising and strategy. And today we learned a little more. I had the pleasure of interviewing author and speaker Joan Detz ( and @joandetz) and we had an amazing conversation about the importance of Public Speaking to your Business Success; and, to your personal success as well. We all need to learn to speak better, communicate our message across, reach more people with our ideas and guide and help as many people we can.  If we can im

Entrepreneurs are today’s Adventurers!

Entrepreneurship has to be seen as a journey, as an adventure. It starts when we have that special idea to do something on our own, to create a business, or to innovate. It follows with our action plan, defining what we want to do and start working on it. We create a strategy, we get team members (friends and relatives at the beginning) and we start developing our idea. This is why for me ‘Entrepreneurship’ is a journey and this is why I see entrepreneurs as today's adventurers. Entrepreneurship has been defined in many ways. It is the result of a person with very interesting qualities: takes action, combines resources, helps people, takes risks, organizes, discovers, and creates. An entrepreneur, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “ a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” It then defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” What the entrepreneur really does

Our Business is entering the second semester of 2015: Are we prepared?

As we enter into the second semester of the year 2015, we need to understand what our business is doing in today’s market, which activities such as having better products, higher quality services and satisfying our customer’s needs we are doing. Also, we need to understand how we are doing them and how we are using our resources. It means understanding the new market trends while getting closer to our goals. Yes, we all have goals right? For those of us who have goals, keep moving forward towards them; for those who don’t, start having your own goals, create them and make them part of your daily routine. Understanding our own business basics is today of critical importance. Business has been defined as a particular organization which encompasses all activities in the economy (primary, secondary and tertiary or more commonly named mining and agriculture, manufacturing and services). This means we buy certain goods from our suppliers and convert them into the goods and services th