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Showing posts from April, 2015

TEC: TEEN Entrepreneur College Summit

I am very honored to have been invited to be the Key-Note Speaker on the first ever TEC - Teen Entrepreneur College Summit organized by the Houston Community College @HCCDistrict High School students form Houston and surroundings areas will be able to learn first hand form real entrepreneurs and college professors on the importance of 'Entrepreneurship' and embark in an entrepreneurial adventure. In recognition of these high school students and future entrepreneurs, here is a new article to  'Start Early on Entrepreneurship!'  - It's your TIME. Luis Vicente Start Early on Entrepreneurship! Entrepreneurship is about daring, taking chances, not knowing where you are going and yet, taking action. Entrepreneurship is about movement, using action verbs, about implementing strategies to fulfill your dreams. I say fulfill as you will reach them along the way and then you, the entrepreneur, will be looking for new ways to improve your company, your team,

The Bryce Harper Effect, When Greatness Comes Out of Left Field

When many of us think about the summer, images of going to the beach or grilling out fill our minds. For some of you summer really only means one thing, and that’s baseball. If you’ve been paying any attention, you’ll probably know who Bryce Harper is. But, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the name, Bryce Harper is an outfielder for the Washington Nationals. In the 2014 season he played left field, hence the pun. Aside from being an outstanding player, Harper has an interesting take on life and business. It can be described by two words: Keep Pushing. What makes Bryce Harper so great is not just the fact that he is insanely talented, (at 16 he decorated Sports Illustrated’s cover with the title “Baseball’s Chosen One” and was drafted into the MLB by the Washington Nationals at 19), but the fact that he pushes himself to the limit in everything he does, and then some. He’s not one to rest on his laurels either. Even with his insane talent he is always looking for thing

Earth Day 2015: Managing our Environment.

Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22 nd since 1970, when then US Senator, Gaylord Nelson, saw the oil spill off the coast of California and decided to do something about it. Raising awareness was his goal and already by 1990 had reached a massive turnout, mobilizing more than 200 million people in over 140 countries. This year we are commemorating the 45 th anniversary of that first day when people decided to celebrate "Earth Day". A movement - perhaps as many - which failed at the beginning to see the extent it would have. For many, this is the starting date of the modern environmental movement. Yes we do have events in many countries, states or cities; we have understood and probably changed our own judgments about what is good or bad for our environment. But this has to be something more. We all need to realize the importance of our natural resources and our precious Earth, understanding the use we give them, and more importantly the commitment we have to make

StarShine Academy: on a world wide Education initiative and the X-Prize

Dear Friends Last year I had the honor to be invited to speak to the students at Star Shine Academy in Phoenix, AZ. What a group of very valuable kids. Although most live in difficult, negative and poor environments, Star Shine Academy devotes itself to providing them with the best K-12 education. This year Star Shine has embarked yet in another more challenging project, reaching out to 250 million kids worldwide. They are doing a magnificent effort and if they succeed, they will receive the X-Prize for Global Learning to pursue this amazing goal; but they need our help. They need to raise enough funds to help this project get started. If you want to find out more about the project and what this amazing prize means, I invite you to please read the link below: I am sure you will love the project and if possible contribute to its success. Go ahead, share the news and become involved in