I am very honored to have been invited to be the Key-Note Speaker on the first ever TEC - Teen Entrepreneur College Summit organized by the Houston Community College @HCCDistrict High School students form Houston and surroundings areas will be able to learn first hand form real entrepreneurs and college professors on the importance of 'Entrepreneurship' and embark in an entrepreneurial adventure. In recognition of these high school students and future entrepreneurs, here is a new article to 'Start Early on Entrepreneurship!' - It's your TIME. Luis Vicente Start Early on Entrepreneurship! Entrepreneurship is about daring, taking chances, not knowing where you are going and yet, taking action. Entrepreneurship is about movement, using action verbs, about implementing strategies to fulfill your dreams. I say fulfill as you will reach them along the way and then you, the entrepreneur, will be looking for new ways to improve your company, your team,
On the most important issues and topics that every entrepreneur and Manager needs to know in order to improve their performance.