Thursday, September 24, 2015

Luis Vicente Garcia, Key-note Speaker at the United Nations!

Dear Friends, queridos amigos

It is my real pleasure to share with you the video of an amazing opportunity I had to speak at the headquarters of the United Nations last June. I was one of the founding members of the Global Economic Initiative where 30 entrepreneurs from seven different countries gathered to speak and discuss about some the issues that are affecting the world of business, education and economics today. It was an incredible event.

My message was that regardless of our circumstances, you need to be positive, be an optimist and have a strong personal motivation. Once you have these key-ingredients, you will be able to become a better entrepreneur and business owner, have more clarity and see things in a much better way.

We cannot leave everything that needs to be fixed to the governments we have in many countries, particularly in Latin America. This is why I call out to the local and regional entrepreneurs to:

a)      Be the ‘change factor’ we need to be and want to become;
b)      Generate the initiatives that are needed to empower our people and our teams – basically through training and education; and,
c)       Guide our countries to a higher level of growth and development.

We can do this and much more form the private sector and need to start working on these initiatives today, as taking ACTION today is a must.

Thanks to the National Association of Experts, Writers and Speakers and to the International Entrepreneur Foundation for such an incredible invitation to speak at this life-changing event on this magnificent institution in New York.

Luis Vicente  

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