Friday, October 2, 2015

Transition into your Q4

Every Company is entering the final quarter of the 2015 Calendar this week. Are you ready and prepared for it? Have you met your goals and objectives so far and have the energy to continue with the energy and enthusiasm these last three months?

As we enter this Q4 there are four tips I would like to suggest so that you get ready to FINISH STRONG your 2015!

1.       Review your results up to date: every business owner and manager need to understand where you are today. You have had a certain level of revenue and production; have engaged in new transactions, business relationships and made new clients; have had to pay your costs and expenses. Are you in the level or range which is acceptable to your company and industry? Do you know your metrics?

2.       Review your GOALS for Q4: now that you are here, today, you need to review your goals for Q4; do not change them, adjust them. Our goals need to remain the same. Only our strategies, actions or plans need to change and adapt. Maybe a new sales level (lower or higher); maybe a new product or service you have been working on through the year; or maybe a new marketing strategy. Develop them and see how the complement your current goals and then go and work on them;

3.       Share your stories of success. The people in your company have been working hard this year; and probably this will be the strongest quarter for your company as it is to many others throughout the world. You most probably have had very interesting stories these past nine months that are an immense source of ideas, vision, client testimonials and possibilities. Share them with your team; let them know what your clients say, what the management team is thinking; share these stories with your team members. They will get the energy to Finish Strong! 

4.       Celebrate your Success! Las weekend I had the chance to speak to a group of insurance brokers during their annual convention. One of my messages was: celebrate your successes. Usually we wait until the end of the year; or we wait until the completion of a certain level of sales or production. What if we start celebrating every significant accomplishment? What can we do to create a sense of pride in every action within our companies? This is why I suggest that you start celebrating your successes and accomplishments on a regular basis as they will make a difference in your companies.

To finish STRONG Start NOW! 

At the end it is your company, your team, your products and services, your people, your clients. Work with them, review your goals, understand the level of satisfaction and get ready to finish the final quarter of 2015 very strong!

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