Friday, October 23, 2015

Learning is Life in itself: And a Business Performance Coach is always Learning!

There is not a single day in which I do not learn something. It can be from a course, a class, my kids, a client, a video seminar, a conference, a live event, a podcast, a radio show; you name it. And this has been one of those amazing weeks.

I have done all of the activities I have mentioned above; and besides that, today I started a three-day training session at the FocalPoint Coaching training headquarters in San Diego, CA. It is very simple: never stop learning and embrace learning (as a speaker yesterday told a group of 150+ authors that gathered in Los Angeles: you will do it anyways whether you like it or not!).

This week alone (which for me started last Sunday), started by attending a TEDx talk, reading a book about coloring your business, being invited as a guest to a financial radio show, listened to a friend’s podcast on strategy, learned from my oldest kid about generating ideas, worked with few of my clients - thanks to the new technology -, had an amazing Episode of my Radio Show 'Performing at Your Best: Mindset Evolution' and was present at the 2015 Book Extravaganza and EIPPY Award Ceremony in LA; all in one week. You see, 'You learn from all of these different activities, and from the people you meet, form the messages that you hear, from the training you give and receive, and from the experiences you listened form strangers who now become your friends. It is a never ending and a continuous process, combined together. Does it make sense? I have to say: Yes!

Today I also learned from business friends and colleagues I had the pleasure to see again after a year and being with them in meetings all morning or for lunch. So you see; learning is about growth, about potential, and future. Learning is about creating a new vision that will allow you to see from a different perspective. Learning is Life in itself!

And as for my coaching side, there is always a new learning process. I had not been back in San Diego for over a year now and what will I be doing form today until Sunday is being trained by the best performance coaches on how to continue to be a better business coach and now in the new incredible programs at FocalPoint Corporate Trainig. And it does wonders for our clients and for us. I have called it my S2SLM! my Sunday2Sunday Learning Marathon! And you can have one as well. Just prepare it and take it as it does wonders to your Mind.

So what does a Business Performance Coach does when he is not coaching, mentoring or creating ideas? We are learning, learning and learning. It is the only way to be ahead in the game; it is the only way to better help our clients, our colleagues and our community to grow, constantly and achieve ther goals faster.

So next time you ask your coach: 'what have you been up to lately?' Do not be surprised if the answer is LEARNING!

Luis Vicente Garcia

Monday, October 12, 2015

How to boost your career & build your business with public speaking

I would like to thank best-selling author, speaker, coach and my friend Ms. Joan Detz for this incredible article on her Blog about the interview we had on my Radio Show 'Preforming at Your Best'. 

Thank you Joan for these wonderful tips to improve our public speaking career.
Luis Vicente

   Posted in Career info, International speakers, Presentation skills, Speechwriting

How to Write  Give a Speech smallforhomepageIn less than an hour, you can learn how to: connect with any audience, streamline your speechwriting, avoid the worst public speaking gaffes, and get valuable social media attention for your message. How? By listening to

(Luis Vicente Garcia’s interview with me on VoiceAmericaBusiness)

I’m delighted to report: This public speaking interview has ranked #1 on Luis Vicente Garcia’s show since July – with more downloads than any other LVG program on VoiceAmericaBusiness.

Luis Vicente interviewed me from Caracas Venezuela, while I answered his questions from my office near Philadelphia (in Lancaster County PA, aka “garden spot of the world”).

The 55 minute program offers four sections:

Section 1  – Why public speaking is important for both executives & entrepreneurs

Section 2  – Speechwriting techniques & public speaking tips

Section 3  - How Madrid translator Elena Bernardo created the Spanish edition of HOW TO WRITE & GIVE A SPEECH for Alba Editorial Publishing (Barcelona)

Section 4  – The power of public speaking to boost careers

Program Description

Public speaking has become an essential skill for business success. We all need to improve our ability to communicate orally – whether talking with 1 or 1001. Joan Detz is the author of four highly respected books on speechwriting and public speaking, including HOW TO WRITE & GIVE A SPEECH (St Martin’s Press, 30th anniversary edition, 2014) which The Washington Post praised as “a how-to classic”.  Since 1985, Joan has run her own speaker services business – coaching executives worldwide, conducting presentation skills workshops, and teaching speechwriting tutorials for Basic, Advanced and Master level writers.

- See more at:

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When Last Becomes First

When Last Becomes First
By Bob Burg

Law #3, The Law of Influence, from John David Mann’s and my book, The Go-Giver, says that “Your influence is directly proportional to how abundantly you place other people’s interest first. Please understand, from being self-sacrificial, it’s actually the key to building successful business and personal relationships.

Recently, I cam across the following quote from one of my heroes, High Point University President, Dr. Nido Qubein:
“People who invariably put themselves first will find that others tend to put them last.”

True, isn’t it? The more we focus on ourselves the less others focus on us. The more we focus on others, the more they focus on us. In his classic, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles touched on this as the natural principle that “action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions.”

As you place your focus on the interests of others and constantly ask yourself how you can add value to them (again, this includes business and personal relationships) you’ll find they tend to do the same. Or, in today’s lingo, “right back at ya’!”

The question some will have, however, is, “but what if they don’t? What if they’re just the ‘selfish’ type who cares only about themselves?”

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter. If, for whatever reason, the benefits of the relationship (business or personal) are worth it to you, then no need to change anything. Just be aware and watch your back.  So long as both parties benefit, carry on.

Or, depending upon the unique circumstances and the type of relationship, you have choices including, but not limited to:
  • Continue to focus on them believing that they are simply in the growth process. You can gently and tactfully coach them along, as well. Some will get it and grow into it.
  • Immediately remove yourself from their life and influence. You don’t need to be mean or nasty about it or even verbalize it. What if circumstances dictate you’re not being able to sever all ties. That’s okay. Stay classy. Always treat them with respect. However, you won’t be emotionally involved in the relationship.
Most people though will indeed respond as you set the frame.
To paraphrase Dr. Qubein, put them first and they’ll tend to put you first.

Life is good.
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann is now available in an expanded edition. It includes a Discussion Guide, Author Q & A and a Foreword by Arianna Huffington. You can receive Chapter One by visiting

Friday, October 2, 2015

Transition into your Q4

Every Company is entering the final quarter of the 2015 Calendar this week. Are you ready and prepared for it? Have you met your goals and objectives so far and have the energy to continue with the energy and enthusiasm these last three months?

As we enter this Q4 there are four tips I would like to suggest so that you get ready to FINISH STRONG your 2015!

1.       Review your results up to date: every business owner and manager need to understand where you are today. You have had a certain level of revenue and production; have engaged in new transactions, business relationships and made new clients; have had to pay your costs and expenses. Are you in the level or range which is acceptable to your company and industry? Do you know your metrics?

2.       Review your GOALS for Q4: now that you are here, today, you need to review your goals for Q4; do not change them, adjust them. Our goals need to remain the same. Only our strategies, actions or plans need to change and adapt. Maybe a new sales level (lower or higher); maybe a new product or service you have been working on through the year; or maybe a new marketing strategy. Develop them and see how the complement your current goals and then go and work on them;

3.       Share your stories of success. The people in your company have been working hard this year; and probably this will be the strongest quarter for your company as it is to many others throughout the world. You most probably have had very interesting stories these past nine months that are an immense source of ideas, vision, client testimonials and possibilities. Share them with your team; let them know what your clients say, what the management team is thinking; share these stories with your team members. They will get the energy to Finish Strong! 

4.       Celebrate your Success! Las weekend I had the chance to speak to a group of insurance brokers during their annual convention. One of my messages was: celebrate your successes. Usually we wait until the end of the year; or we wait until the completion of a certain level of sales or production. What if we start celebrating every significant accomplishment? What can we do to create a sense of pride in every action within our companies? This is why I suggest that you start celebrating your successes and accomplishments on a regular basis as they will make a difference in your companies.

To finish STRONG Start NOW! 

At the end it is your company, your team, your products and services, your people, your clients. Work with them, review your goals, understand the level of satisfaction and get ready to finish the final quarter of 2015 very strong!

Living Out Your Purpose Through Each Career Move

In a world where professional success is often measured by titles, promotions, and financial gain, it can be easy to lose sight of a deeper ...