Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Keeping things simple, for a start.

One sometimes wonders why other people seem to have more time or manage to do much more than what we do. Reality is that the day has 24 hours to each and every one of us. Then, why did Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs achieved so many wonderful things and it seems we run of time always? Why were they so successful? While there are many answers that can be given to these questions, one of the easiest ones to grasp is that we need to always be able to do the simple things, one at a time.

For example, if we were asked to lose 30 pounds in a year, what will our first reaction be? Or if we are asked to read 15 books until the end of the year? Often we will think this is impossible. Well, it might not be. In order to achieve something great, you just have to do it consistently over a long period of time; it is kind of creating a new habit. To read 15 books in a year only, we have to read 10 pages a day; it is that simple. To lose 30 pounds in a year, break it down into simpler activities, like losing 3 pounds per month. Not hard in reality, we just need to start doing it, step by step. The truth is that it will not be that hard on us. We are only required to do simple, small things, one after the other and doing it continuously.

It's easy to make things simple, but it is also easy not to make them that simple as we like, by nature, to complicate things. It is equally easy to make simple decisions, but also easy not to make them. It all depends on our attitude. If today we decided to do the simple things and make simple decisions, we can do it also tomorrow and every day thereafter. If we do not read 10 pages a single day, the truth is that nothing will happen. However, if we do not do it for days, weeks or a month, it will take its toll and it may begin to affect our daily routines, our habits. Eventually, most likely we will never do it again or if we do, we might have to start from scratch. But the opposite is also true. If today I start reading 10 pages, to walk for 10 minutes, to slightly lose weight, or start anything, the idea of doing something new and acting towards a new goal might start working, as I am likely to repeat it again tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and so on. We need to make those new habits part of our own daily life. And after regularly exercising, eating a healthy diet, reading 10 or 15 books a year, you will probably have a new vision and a new perspective on what you need to do on a continuous basis.

Successful people have achieved success in part because they chose to; because they decided to do things in a simple and organized way. And doing simple things or taking simple decisions after all, will create a positive environment for you to work and live in. And it will fill you with knowledge and will allow you to eventually make increasingly complex and more difficult actions. But you need to start at the beginning, at the simple steps. A marathon runner does not run 42 miles in two hours and 20 minutes without years of training. Like a baseball or football player, or a successful business person or entrepreneur: they have done the right things for years and have been determined to do so.

Most people choose not to make things simple. Success takes in the process of training, preparation and continuous improvement that allow the person to succeed in everything he wants and decides to succeed on. The important thing here is to realize and understand that all successful people achieved success just starting to do the simple things!

Luis Vicente García

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Coach that makes all the difference!

A coach is a coach is a coach. Right? Maybe not.

Skylar Diggins USA Today’s article on the Head Coach of the Notre Dame University women's team and her staff reveals it. There are personal coaches, life, wellness, sports, business, financial coaches and many in between. As Ms. Diggins reports, the difference in this year Notre Dame's women’s team going to the NCAA Tournament is in the coaching staff. Or at least part of it.

As a business performance coach I see it every day: the most successful teams have talent and skills; dedication and endurance; great players becoming excellent players. And they have an amazing characteristic: they have incredible coaches. We help people, push athletes, guide businesses and the likes. We are there whenever they need us and we know they can perform better, so that is why we strengthen their skills, help them find new ones, work to develop their new abilities and create better professionals in every field.

We also saw that when Andy Murray first greeted his coach, Ivan Lendl, when winning Wimbledon last June. Something else to think about on what coaches can do for great teams and amazing people.

Thanks Skylar for pointing out that coaches go a long way in helping our clients to reach new heights and perform better. You can read her article at

Luis Vicente Garcia

Skylar Diggins is a ESPN contributor, an All American Player and the No. 3 draft pick from Notre Dame in 2013. You can follow her at @skydigg4  

Luis Vicente Garcia is a FocalPoint Business Performance Coach, best-selling author, international speaker and a Brian Tracy International certified trainer. You can follow him at @lvgarciag

Friday, March 14, 2014

Becoming more positive

Day after day we find people who have different behaviors and different attitudes. Some are optimistic, some very negative, while a large number of people have a neutral mood. This is the reason why we have to change and become much more positive if we want to succeed. Of course, like everything in life, becoming positive is neither easy nor fast, but if we start now going in the right direction we will get there sooner than later.

In the seminars I teach, I ask participates if they know of someone, anyone, who has been successful being negative or pessimistic; so far, no one has been able to give me an example. Therefore, being successful has a direct relationship to being positive and having a good attitude. Being positive, especially in a difficult environment is no easy task; however, it can be done.

There are a number of actions we can take to become more positive:

Wake up early. There is nothing healthier than waking up early to have the whole day ahead of you to do what you really have to do. And above all, the first hour of the day, called 'the golden hour', is the most important. You are more relaxed and calm, and it's time that you take some time to read, meditate and exercise. Try it for a few days and you will notice the change.

Plan ahead. The night before start planning your next day. By doing that, you will avoid running around, which is part of what causes us stress; you will know in advance all your appointments and tasks of the day and you can plan ahead in a more effective manner. Of course there will be emergencies in many cases, but you will know how to deal with them since you will have more control over your time.

Be kind. There is nothing more rewarding than being kind to others without expecting anything in return. Open a door to let someone go by; say good morning and thank you. Simple things that people say or do, are not expected and thus they generate smiles. And you should be grateful for what you have with those around you.

Help others. During your day help your friends and colleagues. Become a trusted person for those who work with you and you will become a support for them. Helping others will make you feel better.

Share. We all know more than we imagine. We can all do more than what we can. If we share our knowledge and our way of being positive, we will help other people to be better every day. A word of support, a guide for someone who solves a problem, teaching, and so, little by little, going to work on something that can be very incredible: become a mentor or a teacher to go out helping others.

Today there are many ways to be in excellent physical, mental and spiritual form, and much of it we can do it ourselves. If you do, you'll have a better day, more positive, more optimistic and more inspiring for you and those around you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Young Eagle

The Young Eagle 
Tom Reily

Taken fro the book The Power of Attitude, written by Mac Anderson.
Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. 2004.

The Young Eagle. By Tom Reily.

The nest of Young eagles hung on every Word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

“How far can I Travel?” asked one of the eaglets.
“How far can you see?” responded the Master Eagle.
“How high can I fly?” quizzed the young eaglet.
“How far can you stretch your wings?” asked the old eagle.
“How long can I fly?” the eagle persisted.
“How far is the Horizon?” the mentor rebounded.
“How much should I dream?” asked the eaglet.
“How much can you dream?” smiled the older, wiser eagle.
“How much can I achieve?” the young eagle continued.
“How much can you believe?” the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, “Why don’t you answer my questions?”
“I did”
“Yes, but you answered them with questions”
“I answered them the best I could”
“But you’re the Master Eagle. You’re supposed to know everything. If you can’t answer these questions, who can?
“You.” The old wise eagle reassured.
“Me? How?” the young eagle was confussed.

“No one can tell you how to fly or how much to dream. It’s different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you’ll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what’s in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination.”

The young eagle puzzled by this asked, “What should I do?”

“Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly”

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Welcome to Entrepreneur Performance.

Welcome to Entrepreneur Performance.

This new Blog will focus on the point of view of the Entrepreneur. We will learn, write and study many of the critical areas that any entrepreneur, young or old; with a big company, a small company or just a simple idea, needs to focus and look for in his or her journey to success.

There will be new opportunities to be discovered and ideas to be generated, as we all define our mindset, work on our goals and look for growth alternatives. Many topics will be analyzed, like team work, strategy, sales, road maps and vision; and also, those issues that have been called soft areas such as leadership and success, motivation and attitude.

My idea is to help business owners and entrepreneurs work and develop, grow and prosper and find their passion to make their teams and their companies reach their performance potential.

Here’s to your Success.

Luis Vicente Garcia

Living Out Your Purpose Through Each Career Move

In a world where professional success is often measured by titles, promotions, and financial gain, it can be easy to lose sight of a deeper ...